last monday was hari raya aidiladha or hari raya qurban / korban (both are correct). went to tg karang, a place where u'l find almost every1 is jawanese. me? duno. im portugese persian mix. jk.
well i wud say 'balik kampung' was so interesting. yeah dun expect streamyx or shisha or movie. got paddy fields (is this d correct spelling? i mean sawah padi). so my cousin and i decided to go fishing. plus i planned to take some pics. frankly speaking, fishing isnt my thing. they said fishing is all bout patience and passion. wtv. but yeah i did enjoy d moment. and we managed to catch ikan keli and ikat puyu. whales? ahh go watch free willy. jk.
tanjung karang! tempat tangkap belut! oh indah!
what's up with streamyx, shisha and movies, city boi?
oh apa korg merepek ni.
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